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  • Novy, D., Kawasumi, L., et al. Maka Niu: A low-cost, modular imaging and sensor platform to increase observation capabilities of the deep ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. (2022).

  • Pataranutaporn, P., Danry, V., Leong, J. et al. AI-generated characters for supporting personalized learning and well-being. Nat Mach Intell 3, 1013–1022 (2021).

  • Daniel E. Novy, Programmable Synthetic Hallucinations: Towards a Boundless Mixed Reality
    PhD Dissertation, MIT Media Lab, February 2019

  • Daniel E. Novy, Computational Immersive Displays
    SM Thesis, MIT Media Lab, June 2013

  • Kasia Hayden, Dan Novy, Catherine Havasi, V. Michael Bove Jr., Santiago Alfaro, Robert Speer, Narratarium: An Immersive Storytelling Environment
    HCI (29) 2013: 536-540

  • Daniel E. Novy and V. Michael Bove, Jr. “Imagery Beyond the Screen Edge”
    Poster Presentation, Society for Information Display (SID) Symposium 2012

  • Daniel E. Novy, chapters on Virtual Studio Technology and Infrastructure in “Other Workflow Considerations” section of VES Handbook of Visual Effects: Industry Standard VFX Practices and Procedures


  • Methods and Apparatus for Radial Automultiscopic Display, US Patent App. No. 16250088
    Inventors: Victor Michael Bove Jr., Emily Salvador, Daniel Novy, Emily Van Bellingham

  • Force-sensing Net, US Patent No. 9,233,287. Issued January 12, 2016.
    Inventors: Victor Michael Bove Jr., Jared Markowitz, Daniel Novy, Santiago Alfaro


  • “Imagining Ocean Science: Education and Outreach Using Visualization, Storytelling and the Arts.” Primary Chair:  Laura A Guertin, Penn State Brandywine; Co-chairs:  Dan Novy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab, Kathie Kelly, University of Washington, and Carlie Wiener, Schmidt Ocean Institute. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2020.

  • “The Magic of MIT: Storytech.” Daniel Novy. Sundance Film Festival, 2013. 

  • “Slam Force G’s: Quantifying the Force of a Monster Dunk.” Daniel Novy, Santiago Alfaro, and Peter Scott. MIT Sloan Sport Analytics Conference, 2012.

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